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Data Center Equipment Safety Matters: Pt. 2

In the Data Center: Is Safe, Safe Enough?

It may come as little surprise that at ServerLIFT headquarters, the majority of our conversations revolve around data center safety. It’s the reason we originally designed the ServerLIFT data center lift. No one had made anything like it before. We saw a clear need for a lift that could function effectively in the data center environment without putting anyone at risk.

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Data Center Spotlight: Interxion, London

Spotlight Datacenter: Interxion, London Would you sleep at work?   As England prepares for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, one company thinks they may have found an innovative way to beat the congestion that is about to clog London’s travel and road networks. Interxion, a colocation data center, located in the heart of the city,

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Modular Data Center Designs, More Than Just a Trend?

Modular Data center Designs: It’s been more than five years since the unveiling of Sun’s Blackbox data center and modular designs are becoming more synonymous in the industry and with high-performance and cloud computing. Running servers in shipping containers was initially viewed as a niche play by many in the data center industry, limited to

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Data Center Spotlight: EBay – Project Mercury

Spotlight Data center: EBay – Project Mercury Why Phoenix? Why would anyone build a data center in the middle of a desert that reaches temperatures of up to 119F°? And how in the world are they going to cool it efficiently? I know these were the first questions that popped into my mind when I

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Ihr Rechenzentrum ist geschäftskritisch, und Ausfallzeiten können Zehntausende verärgerter Kunden und Verluste in Millionenhöhe bedeuten. Unser kostenloser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen dabei, die richtigen Tools zu finden, um Ausfallzeiten als Rechenzentrumsmanager effektiv zu vermeiden.


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Kauf eines Rechenzentrums-Hebegeräts

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Das Handbuch zur Migration von Rechenzentren

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Das Sicherheitshandbuch für Rechenzentren

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Best Practices für den Umzug der IT-Abteilung im Rechenzentrum

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Best Practices für den Umgang mit Rechenzentrumsgeräten

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Whitepaper zum Aktionsplan zur Konsolidierung von Rechenzentren