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Manage Power and Cooling for Blade Enclosures

Blade enclosures are critical to server blade functionality and the data center infrastructure. They are also integral players in data center power and cooling systems. Topics on energy efficiency and cooling technology have received more attention as data center operators zero in on strategies to decrease power consumption and optimize cooling potential to establish a

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Lessons to be Learned From the Recent Dropbox Outage

Very few of us in the web hosting industry will ever have the need to scale to the level that services like Dropbox do. With that said, when a service the size of Dropbox makes a misstep that leads to an outage, it is worth paying attention to the causes and impact to see if

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Why Do Hackers Want To Compromise Your Site?

To defeat an enemy, first you have to understand them. Hackers are constantly in search of loop holes in the security of websites. While many website owners and hosting providers are aware of possible hacker attacks, they may have a hazy grasp of what motivates cybercriminals. The days when the majority of hackers were in

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ServerLIFT® Signs New Distribution Partner in China

ServerLIFT® Corporation has appointed Banyano as its distributor of server handling solutions in China. This agreement includes distribution of all products, accessories, service contracts, extended warranties, and spare parts. “We are pleased to announce Banyano as our new partner to market and distribute ServerLIFT® solutions in China. This partnership will help ServerLIFT® serve our customer

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Ihr Rechenzentrum ist geschäftskritisch, und Ausfallzeiten können Zehntausende verärgerter Kunden und Verluste in Millionenhöhe bedeuten. Unser kostenloser Leitfaden hilft Ihnen dabei, die richtigen Tools zu finden, um Ausfallzeiten als Rechenzentrumsmanager effektiv zu vermeiden.


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Kauf eines Rechenzentrums-Hebegeräts

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Das Handbuch zur Migration von Rechenzentren

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Das Sicherheitshandbuch für Rechenzentren

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Best Practices für den Umzug der IT-Abteilung im Rechenzentrum

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Best Practices für den Umgang mit Rechenzentrumsgeräten

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Whitepaper zum Aktionsplan zur Konsolidierung von Rechenzentren