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Effekt af strømforbrug (PUE)

Your Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) In 2007, The Green Grid published its very first white paper regarding energy efficiencies in data centers. “Green Grid Metrics: Describing Data Center Power Efficiency” proposed the use of Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Datacenter Efficiency (DCE), now Data center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE), as a means to enable data center … Læs mere

Datacenter Spotlight: EBay - Project Mercury

Spotlight Data center: EBay – Project Mercury Why Phoenix? Why would anyone build a data center in the middle of a desert that reaches temperatures of up to 119F°? And how in the world are they going to cool it efficiently? I know these were the first questions that popped into my mind when I … Læs mere

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Migreringsguiden til Datacenter

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Vejledningen til datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til at flytte IT-afdelingen i Datacenteret

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Bedste fremgangsmåder til håndtering af datacenterudstyr

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handlingsplan for konsolidering af datacentre hvidbog

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