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Heavy Lifting

Heavy Lifting

This was a new one . . . an IT Systems Integrator called and asked for the lightest lift that we have available, because they need to get the lift up to the 2nd floor – where the data center will be located. This is a unique use case, as it’s rare for the data … 阅读更多

1000X Data Center Lift Rental Leads To Sale


Another happy customer! One of our customers rented the SL-1000X for a week to lift data center equipment up to 1000 pounds. They called us back and said it was such a great piece of equipment that they wanted a quote to purchase a new lift, after they have reviewed the attachment options. The SL-1000X … 阅读更多

Halloween Story

Ouch! A customer purchased a lift—not one of ours—10 years ago. It was their go-to lift until it recently failed, got bound up, and almost claimed the finger of an engineer! Now no one trusts it, obviously, and they are actually scared of using this lift. After this incident, they decided to purchase an SL-350X … 阅读更多

I Want To Keep This!


We rented a lift to a customer for a week. They were so happy with it they are trying to get management to approve them to purchase the lift rather than returning it. This happens a lot, and it’s always great when it does. If this happens to you, here’s an article that will help … 阅读更多

Renting an SL-1000X Data Center Lift

ServerLIFT 1000X

We recently rented out three of our SL-1000X Super-Duty data center lifts for customers who had some very urgent jobs. We were able to rush the shipments in all three situations to assist these customers. One of them said that he loved the SL-1000X and would not have been able to do the job without … 阅读更多

Early Data Center Lift Delivery

We had a rental unit scheduled for delivery. The customer asked us to check on the delivery window because he had something come up that was going to require him to leave work early. We checked in with our carrier and asked if they could possibly make the delivery window earlier. They were able to … 阅读更多











