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Rory Bennett, Giám đốc Trung tâm Dữ liệu Cao cấp, AT & T Mobility

Safety is our #1 priority. Originally, we didn’t have the resources to install the hardware safely. We were using battery- operated, hand-crank lifts, but they required too much maintenance. Now, our ServerLIFT® unit is well-used and everybody is happy with the ‘Cadillac’ we bought. It’s a great investment.

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ServerLIFT® News | March 2024

Spring is on the way! Yet as we await the new season, this industry continues marching forward in the most unique and experimental ways.

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ServerLIFT® News | February 2024

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on February 2, offering the hope of an early spring. So far, that hope has not materialized.😉

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Sách hướng dẫn an toàn trung tâm dữ liệu

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Thực tiễn tốt nhất để di chuyển Phòng CNTT trong Trung tâm dữ liệu

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