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ServerLIFT® Newsletter | December 2021

We hope you are enjoying a healthy and happy holiday season.  If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a server-handling device, but you have held off for one reason or another, please reach out to our solutions team ([email protected]) as soon as possible. Current shipping lead times are increasing due to the global supply chain and … Đọc thêm

The “Whys” of ServerLIFT® Product Design

man safely installing data center equipment using ServerLIFT

At ServerLIFT®, we believe that server-handling devices should be able to cope with any tricky transport, positioning, or transfer issue an operator may face. Thanks to careful research and the deliberate decision to keep all three of these essential functions at the forefront of all design choices, ServerLIFT® data center lifts can be safely operated … Đọc thêm

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Supermicro

Supermicro sign on the side of one of their buildings

Founded & headquartered in the United States, Supermicro manufactures servers, networking devices, server management software, and other data center technologies. They also build high-end motherboards and workstations for data center, cloud computing, enterprise IT, big data, high-performance computing (HPC), and embedded markets (computer-based products designed for specific tasks versus computer products such designed for general-purpose … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | February 2021

serverlift news February 2021

The key differences between certified data center lifts designed for IT infrastructure and those created for other uses are not always immediately distinguishable. It becomes even more complicated when non-qualified lifts are recommended specifically for data center use. We’re here to make those (very big) differences clear. Below, you’ll find our newest blog article with … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | December 2020


We get a little nostalgic at the end of the year—even a year as unexpected as 2020. Below we’re sharing stories from team members here at ServerLIFT®, including anecdotes of my time in the Army National Guard and the influence this unique experience had on my choice of career. There is also an invitation to … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | November 2020

Năm 2020 đã cho thấy những dấu hiệu mạnh mẽ là một năm rất lớn đối với ngành CNTT và chúng tôi rất vui mừng được bước vào thập kỷ mới này với bạn.

Featuring Server Manufacturer: IBM

Featuring Server Manufacturer: IBM

As one of the largest computer technology companies on the planet, IBM manufactures its fair share of servers and other data center hardware. The company was founded in the late 1800s—originally named the Computing, Tabulating & Recording Company (CTR), founded by Herman Hollerith. The name IBM, which stands for International Business Machines, was coined in … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | October 2020

Năm 2020 đã cho thấy những dấu hiệu mạnh mẽ là một năm rất lớn đối với ngành CNTT và chúng tôi rất vui mừng được bước vào thập kỷ mới này với bạn.

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | September 2020

September Blog Banner 2020

Năm 2020 đã cho thấy những dấu hiệu mạnh mẽ là một năm rất lớn đối với ngành CNTT và chúng tôi rất vui mừng được bước vào thập kỷ mới này với bạn.

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Sách hướng dẫn an toàn trung tâm dữ liệu

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Thực tiễn tốt nhất để di chuyển Phòng CNTT trong Trung tâm dữ liệu

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