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ServerLIFT® Newsletter | June 2022

June newsletter blog

There is an old adage that says “measure twice, cut once.” The takeaway is that good planning will save you time and money. When you’re building a data center, properly planning your infrastructure will do the same.  1. Overview of Modern Data Center Infrastructure Infrastructure is critical to modern data center design, as you know. … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | April 2022

april 2022 newsletter banner

Have you purchased a lift for your data center that became a disappointment? ServerLIFT® can help. Find out how we helped another customer in a similar situation. Contact our customer support team to see how we can assist you. Now, let’s get down to business with some news.  1. Moving a server rack or cabinet? … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | January 2022

January 2022 Newsletter Header

Large data center migrations are happening around the world. ServerLIFT® server-handling solutions provide you with the most optimal tools  to safely and effectively transport, position, install, and remove servers. Because fulfillment lead times have increased due to the global supply chain and logistics crisis, please let our Client Services team ([email protected]) know as soon as … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | December 2021

We hope you are enjoying a healthy and happy holiday season.  If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a server-handling device, but you have held off for one reason or another, please reach out to our solutions team ([email protected]) as soon as possible. Current shipping lead times are increasing due to the global supply chain and … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | November 2021

serverlift newsletter banner showing military personnel and american flag

Staying ahead in data center operations means embracing the constant, unrelenting changes of the industry. It also means you need to be creative in clutch situations, which is why ServerLIFT® offers you exceptional support.  For instance, we recently had a request from a US military branch that is concerned with safety in their data center. … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® News October 18, 2021

ServerLIFT Newsletter | October 18, 2021

As you are well aware, it isn’t simple setting up and running a data center. There are always hardware upgrades, new best practices, and probably some unexpected issues you never had to consider before. Whether you’re buying a new data center lift or just trying to stay on top of industry developments, here is some … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | October 2021

ServerLIFT Newsletter | October 2021

Data centers are busier than ever before. Here’s the latest industry news and some helpful resources to keep you in front of the wave. 1. Current Status of Global Shipping and Fulfilment  From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, global shipping and fulfilment has faced numerous disruptions. Orders keep rolling in from around the world, … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | September 2021


Fall is just around the corner!  As we start the transition from one season to another, we’re excited to bring you the latest ServerLIFT® resources and industry news. Here is what we chose for you this month: 1. 2021 Data Center Trends We are seeing some interesting data center trends in 2021. We’ve highlighted 5 … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | May 2021

We’re all in the clouds these days—when it comes to computing services, that is. So many of our clients are expanding their hybrid cloud and multi-cloud capabilities to respond to the digital revolution, and we are happy to be of service at ServerLIFT®. This month we’re diving into what hybrid cloud is all about. We … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | April 2021


Customers often ask our ServerLIFT® team members for their opinions on the right data center lift for a particular facility. Data center and colocation facility managers want to be sure they are making the right investment for their IT infrastructure, and we’re glad to weigh in on whether our SL-500X, SL-1000X, SL-500FX, or SL-350X lift … Đọc thêm

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