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Featuring Server Manufacturer: IBM

Featuring Server Manufacturer: IBM

As one of the largest computer technology companies on the planet, IBM manufactures its fair share of servers and other data center hardware. The company was founded in the late 1800s—originally named the Computing, Tabulating & Recording Company (CTR), founded by Herman Hollerith. The name IBM, which stands for International Business Machines, was coined in

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FAQ: Vad är en datacentrallift?

FAQ: Vad är en datacentrallift?

F: Vad är en datacentrallift? S: En datacentrallift är en maskin som används för att lyfta och installera servrar och annan IT-utrustning i datacenter. Den skiljer sig från alla andra materialhanterare eftersom den är specialbyggd för att fungera i vilken datacentrummiljö som helst, inklusive rörelse genom smal (3ft. Eller mindre)

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ServerLIFT® Visits i/o’s Phoenix ONE Data Center

Phoenix ONE Data Center Tour: Recently some of the ServerLIFT® team had the opportunity to visit one of the world’s largest data centers! Lucky for us, i/o data centers calls Arizona home and it just so happens that their Phoenix ONE data center is one of the most technologically advanced facilities in the world. i/o

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Datacenterinfrastrukturhantering (DCIM)

Infrastructure Management of the Data Center: The Datacenter Game Changer   Data Center Infrastructure Management is taking the industry by storm. It is predicted that by 2014, 60% of corporations will have implemented the use of DCIM; a huge leap from the mere 1% in 2010. With statistics like these, there is no question that

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Data Center Downtime

How much is Data Center Network Downtime Costing You? True Costs of Bandwidth Connectivity Downtime: The old adage, you cannot manage what you don’t measure is particularly true when considering the cost of data center downtime. Until recently it was widely accepted and known by the data center community that the price of downtime was

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Server Handling Precautions and Procedure Suggestions

Handling Servers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly   There is no one way to lift and move a server. Sure some ways may be more effective, safer, and more efficient, but that doesn’t mean that they’re used. In fact it is completely normal for a data center to expect one or two of

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Server Refresh Cycles

Server Refresh Cycles – 3 Tips   Evaluate The Cost of a Server Upgrade: Implementing a server refresh cycle can be a costly task, but it is important for a company to ask themselves if they can afford not to refresh the servers in the coming year? According to Intel, delaying a server refresh cycle

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Varför våra kunder litar på servern®

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Tala med en specialist för att hitta rätt lyftlösning för ditt datacenter.

Ladda ner vårt GRATIS vitbok, "Köpa en datacenterlyftanordning"

Ditt datacenter är uppdragskritiskt, och driftstopp kan innebära tiotusentals arga kunder och miljoner förluster. Vår gratis guidebok hjälper dig att identifiera de rätta verktygen för att effektivt undvika stillestånd som datacentralchef.

Uppköp A-Data-Center-Lifting-Device-Cover

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Köpa en datacenterlyftanordning

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Data Center Migration Guide

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Datacenterets säkerhetshandbok

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Bästa metoder för att flytta IT-avdelningen i datacentret

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Bästa metoder för hantering av datacenterutrustning

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Handbok för konsolidering av datacenterets vitbok