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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

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Edge Computing Trends for Data Centers

For many companies, it’s common wisdom to run IT operations through a colocation data center and allow that facility to handle all of the complex, expensive, and critical operations that keep services up and running rather than to shoulder the burden and expense of operating on-site data centers.  Often, data centers are located in proximity

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Group of young business people it engineer in network server room solving problems and give help and support

How To Choose The Right Server Rack For Your Data Center

One of the most important aspects of operating a data center is determining how to store servers, power supplies, switches, routers, and other equipment in a way that allows for easy access and consistent cooling. Every data center is arranged differently, which means there are many different types of IT equipment racks designed to hold

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Zhabyr Canyon (Yellow canyon) in National park Charyn, Kazakhstan

Widespread Droughts Threaten Data Center Water Usage

When people consider the biggest expense in running a data center, they usually think about the soaring demand for electricity in order to run and cool all those power-thirsty servers and switches. The data center industry  continues to grow—and thereby uses more power each year—because of increasing user demand for high-speed computing and endless storage

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5 Steps to Make Your Data Center More Sustainable

5 Steps to Make Your Data Center More Sustainable

Is it possible to operate a green data center? Determining how to achieve such a lofty goal presents challenges to even the most ecologically minded data center directors.  Data centers churn through massive amounts of energy to support the millions of users who rely on them. In 2020, data centers accounted for one percent of

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Data Foundry: Colocation Data Center Provider In Austin And Houston, TX

Data Foundry: Colocation Data Center Provider In Austin And Houston, TX

As a premier, high-tech data center in Houston and Austin, Texas, Data Foundry is a great choice for businesses looking for a colocation data center provider.  Data Foundry understands that uptime is as important to their clients as the promise of powerful and scalable solutions, so that’s where they have chosen to specialize. Many colocation

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Colocation Facility Provider: DC BLOX

Just five minutes from downtown Birmingham lies the DC BLOX colocation data center provider. Notably, DC BLOX was Alabama’s first multi-tenant data center to receive Tier III certification from the Uptime Institute. This certification guarantees that the data center is capable of handling the demands of large-scale businesses, and that it can remain operational even

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De ce clienții noștri se bazează pe SERVERLIFT®

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Vorbiți cu un specialist pentru a găsi soluția potrivită de ridicare pentru centrul de date.

Descărcați cartea albă GRATUITĂ, „Planul de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrului de date”

Un plan de acțiune de consolidare a centrelor de date executat în mod corespunzător prezintă tehnologiile eficiente și scalabile care pot fi utilizate pentru a stimula producția reducând costurile de operare.


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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

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Cartea albă a planului de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrelor de date

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Ghidul de securitate al Centrului de Date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru mutarea departamentului IT din Centrul de date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru manipularea echipamentelor pentru centrele de date

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Cumpărarea unui dispozitiv de ridicare a centrelor de date