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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

Descărcați cartea albă GRATUITĂ, „Ghidul de migrare al Centrului de date”

The New Google Data Center in Finland

New Google Data Center in Hamina, Finland This week we decided to post a video about Google’s new data center build out in Hamina, Finland. This particular data center has created a lot of hype in the industry and we thought a lot of you would be interested learning more about this facility and how

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Data Center Injury and Damage Statistics

May 2012 Data Center Injury and Damage Statistics Survey: An anonymous study was conducted to determine the number of data center injury and damage from dropped server equipment that occurs in data centers. Out of the 113 participants, 89 answered that they have worked or interfaced within a data center in the past five years.

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ServerLIFT® Visits i/o’s Phoenix ONE Data Center

Phoenix ONE Data Center Tour: Recently some of the ServerLIFT® team had the opportunity to visit one of the world’s largest data centers! Lucky for us, i/o data centers calls Arizona home and it just so happens that their Phoenix ONE data center is one of the most technologically advanced facilities in the world. i/o

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ServerLIFT® Sponsors the NOC at Interop Las Vegas 2012

Interop Las Vegas 2012 – ServerLIFT® Sponsors the NOC Since 2008, ServerLIFT® Corporation has sponsored the NOC at Interop Las Vegas and New York. This video shows how the team at Interop using ServerLIFT® equipment to prepare for their show! For two weeks, some of the best and brightest engineers in IT gather at an uberGeek

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Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition

Extreme Makeover: Server Room Edition   Happy Friday readers! I thought I would start this week’s post by telling you how thrilled I am to see comments starting to appear on the posts and watching our reader count climb! It’s great to know that we’re providing you with articles you find interesting or informative! I

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The Green Grid: Resources for Free Cooling

Free Air Cooling is Catching on in The Data Center Industry   It seems that everyone in the data center industry these days is looking to find the most efficient and cheap way to run their facility. It makes sense when you think about it. Why spend more and narrow your profit margin, when you

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Data Center as a Service (DCaaS)

When and Why to Turn to a Data Center as a Service (DCaaS) Provider Data center as a service (DCaaS) is the provision of offsite physical data center infrastructure and facilities to clients, but does it benefit an organization or business more than having their own facility? Some companies find it more beneficial to lease

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De ce clienții noștri se bazează pe SERVERLIFT®

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Descărcați cartea albă GRATUITĂ, „Planul de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrului de date”

Un plan de acțiune de consolidare a centrelor de date executat în mod corespunzător prezintă tehnologiile eficiente și scalabile care pot fi utilizate pentru a stimula producția reducând costurile de operare.


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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

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Cartea albă a planului de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrelor de date

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Ghidul de securitate al Centrului de Date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru mutarea departamentului IT din Centrul de date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru manipularea echipamentelor pentru centrele de date

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Cumpărarea unui dispozitiv de ridicare a centrelor de date