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De Data Center Migration Guide

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Ga veilig om met bedrijfsservers in datacenters

Are you handle enterprise servers safely in data centers? As innovation continues to power technology, enterprise servers are becoming more powerful and consuming less energy and space. These advancements have the potential to solve many of the most challenging issues that administrators face in planning and managing the data center. In a previous blog entry,

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The State of the Server Hardware Market

According to research firms IDC and Gartner, revenue in the worldwide server market increased between 15.3%-16.4% percent year over year to $15.0 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010 (4Q10).

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Veiligheidstips voor het hijsen van IT-hardware in een datacenter

A vital part of an efficient data center is a safe data center. To ensure a safe working environment, it is important never to overlook the potential risks the data center and its personnel may be exposed to. These include fire, natural disasters, faulty equipment and outages, electrocution, physical injuries, and the list goes on. These risks can be mitigated and avoided with proper inspections, procedures and/or training.

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Data Center Safety Best Practices

Efficiency and effectiveness are top priorities in data centers. Attention is given to performance and hardware, including servers, storage, backups, recovery, power, and cooling. The most critical pieces which create a successful data center also create a more dangerous work environment.

Maintaining a safe data operation for all personnel is commonly under prioritized (or overlooked). Work-related injuries can be very costly, so it is vital to spend adequate time, money and planning to ensure a comfortable and safe work environment.

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Serverbewegingen uitvoeren met volledig geladen racks / kasten

Recently, I came across a forum question asking for a good way to move a fully populated server rack or cabinet. In short it would seem a great idea, given the weight and difficulty of moving large, individual servers. Many IT people tell me their technicians carry out a server move by taking out most

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Praat met een specialist om de juiste tiloplossing voor uw datacenter te vinden.

Download onze GRATIS whitepaper "Het actieplan voor datacenterconsolidatie"

Een correct uitgevoerd actieplan voor het consolideren van datacenters schetst de efficiënte en schaalbare technologieën die kunnen worden gebruikt om de productie te stimuleren en de bedrijfskosten te verlagen.


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De Data Center Migration Guide

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witboek datacenter consolidatie actieplan

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Het datacenter Veiligheidshandboek

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Best practices voor het verplaatsen van de IT-afdeling in het datacenter

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Best practices voor het omgaan met datacenterapparatuur

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Een datacenter-hefapparaat kopen