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Choosing the Right ServerLIFT Solution for Your Data Center

The Hidden Impact of Server Rack Design

The conversation about data centers—along with data storage density, cloud and edge computing, and other highly technical concepts—is constantly evolving. There is a central topic, however, that doesn’t get equal attention. What we aren’t talking about enough are the physical challenges of the data center environment. More specifically, how changes in server rack and facility designs are affecting data center operations. 

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Data Center Equipment Safety Matters: Pt. 2

In the Data Center: Is Safe, Safe Enough?

It may come as little surprise that at ServerLIFT headquarters, the majority of our conversations revolve around data center safety. It’s the reason we originally designed the ServerLIFT data center lift. No one had made anything like it before. We saw a clear need for a lift that could function effectively in the data center environment without putting anyone at risk.

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Rack Like a Pro in the Data Center

To compete in the fast-paced data center industry—or even to stay afloat—requires professional operations. To that end, DC owners and managers focus primarily on technology, data security, and the preservation of uptime. What can be forgotten is the work on the floor being handled by the operators: the methodology in handling all of the remarkable

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data center equipment safety matters

Data Center Equipment Safety Matters: Here’s Why

Historically, the data center industry has been resistant to stagnation. Year over year, it sees tremendous growth and advancement. The Cisco Global Cloud Index shows sustained trends in both data center virtualization and cloud computing, with growth in nearly every associated sector. This positive news extends through 2021, when “data center storage installed capacity will

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roadmap to improved safety standards

The Current State of Data Center Safety

Data centers are unique spaces that come with unique challenges. Each DC is designed differently depending on its geographic location, service providers, data storage types, etc. Cooling and power concerns are typically the biggest expense and therefore always top of mind. As a result, most feature restricted spaces that include narrow aisles and/or overhead/ground-level obstructions.

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고객이 SERVERLIFT에 의존하는 이유®

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데이터 센터 마이그레이션 안내서

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데이터 센터 통합 행동 계획 백서

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데이터 센터 안전 가이드 북

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데이터 센터에서 IT 부서를 이전하는 모범 사례

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