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Deploy Your Data Center Management Tools Company-Wide: Here’s Why

It’s best to purchase data center infrastructure management tools at once for the entire organization whenever possible. And companies that run data centers can save significant time and moneybusiness plan budget target tactics ideas concept when purchasing this way from ServerLIFT. End-user spending on global data center infrastructure is projected to climb to $200 billion this year. Choosing to deploy to multiple sites or multiple data centers instead of single-site deployments taps into economies of scale, not to mention making sure that you get your order in to avoid long shipping delays. 

The labor recession caused by the pandemic is now over, and vaccinated workers are returning to facilities in droves. All of this means that expansion and growth plans are resuming for many tech companies. Of course, the biggest cloud providers on the planet never bothered hitting pause during the pandemic.

Data center trends point to major purchasing power in the coming years. Opt for a CAPEX investment for your business, improve safety conditions, and upgrade your IT equipment handling by bulk-ordering ServerLIFT® machines for your data centers. Read on to explore more of the benefits to this purchasing approach.

5 Benefits of Full-Scale Deployment vs. Piecemeal

A ServerLIFT® data center lift is vital to an organization’s ability to safely and efficiently install and maintain network servers and provide critical services to clients. This is why every data center deployment checklist should include qualified assisted lifting devices, whether deployments are global, national, multi-state, or apply to multiple sites in a regional area.

What are the advantages to deploying ServerLIFT® devices to your entire organization, however big or small, versus a single site with a demand for it?

#1: Consistent Safety Standards

Maintaining a consistent level of operational safety and safety-minded procedures is important for businesses and their operators working in high-risk environments. Bringing ServerLIFT® devices to a single site happens at times—because of an upcoming move or newly limited staff—but you’ve raised the general bar for safety standards at that one facility, and the others are left lagging behind.

#2: Organizational Consistency

As with safety measures, it’s important to create overall organizational consistency so that staff have the same resources across the board. Word tends to spread around the workplace, even across geographic sites.  If one or more techs have access to tools that make his/her job safer, more efficient, easier, and more satisfying, others will know. The inconsistency will be felt across the organization. Making the tools and resources necessary to the best job possible available to all is an approach that ensures company objectives are easier to meet and results are more consistent.

#3: Liability

Potential insurance claims abound in the data center; don’t open yourself up to more. You can effectively mitigate the risks created by manual handling of heavy servers and other equipment.  Set your operational bar high by standardizing safety measures, as detailed above.

#4: Budget Benefits

business team analyzing budget plan and statisticBundling needs across the enterprise instead of focusing on a single site can bring a myriad of budgetary benefits. 

Think of it as only going “back to the well” once instead of going back multiple times for an expenditure that wasn’t fully anticipated. For many companies, it is harder to find ways to spend smaller amounts than to justify bigger spends that make sense for the whole organization. 

Most likely, the right data center lift solution will exceed the threshold for a discretionary OPEX expense.  If the purchase of needed safety measures for one site already falls into the category of a capital expenditure (CAPEX), it’s going to take some doing to get budgetary approval to push it through. Why not bundle the needs of all sites together and only deal with this process once? 

And, if budgets are tight, there are creative approaches. Does your organization maintain a safety budget? If so, these also tend to have more built-in flexibility.  ServerLIFT® data center lifts and attachments are certified safety devices. Acquiring such tools to ensure a high level of safety protocols is precisely the mandate of most safety departments and budgets.

Finally, there are shipping and import/export savings available on economies of scale when ServerLIFT® machines are deployed internationally or in multiples to any single site. When shipping one machine vs. ten, those freight, import and export costs don’t multiply by the same amount. Quite a few of the associated fees are not dependent on unit quantity or shipping weight. You can also reduce your shipping and logistics price tags per machine for particular regions, including all of Europe and Asia.  

Even two or more machines to the same site or sister sites in the same metro region (domestic or international) may not cost as much as shipping them separately.  For very large sites (100k – 1m sq ft or more) or multiple campuses in the same city, that may require 5, 10, or even 20+ machines to cover the entire facility or group of facilities, a dedicated truck can bring the shipping cost per machine down quite a bit.

#5: Smart Business

Data centers are in the business of providing 100 percent uptime and services to their customers. This is a critical aspect of succeeding in this goal in a much more effective way. A single minute of downtime costs an average of $5,600 per minute. And the number one cause of data center failure is human error. Minimize your exposure to those potential outcomes.

Ask For Support From ServerLIFT®

For years, the ServerLIFT® support team has worked with organizations that have opted for multi-site deployments. They place a one-time order, see immediate benefits, and don’t have to worry about these needs again. Our top-quality, industry-standard machines also can be protected with optional three- and five-year extended service and warranty contracts that include onsite labor when needed. Feel free to explore our Rental ja Buyback Programs as well. Let us help you to explore your many options with ServerLIFT®.

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