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5 Ways That Microgrids Benefit Data Centers

Today’s data centers must supply a continually increasing amount of processing power, storage, and data transfer capabilities to their clients. However, fears about the environmental impact of this increase puts pressure on data center managers to shrink their carbon footprint and move toward renewable energy production.  Balancing these two conflicting objectives might seem impossible, but … Đọc thêm

ServerLIFT® News | May 2023

Summer is right around the corner, and we’re all facing warmer temperatures during these hot months. The demand for energy will be greater, pushing power grids to their limits. In this month’s newsletter, we have some tips for making data centers more energy efficient. 1. Upgrade Powered Distribution Units For Reduced Energy Loss Smart power … Đọc thêm

What You Want? You Got It!

Thang máy trung tâm dữ liệu

We confess! We literally love finding new ways to give our data center manager customers what they want. Need to figure out if our data center lifts can lift your equipment? Need to find a co-location company near you? Need a lift for super-heavy equipment? Need to load equipment into a bottom-rack position? About to … Đọc thêm

Designed Specifically for Data Centers

Warehouse Lifts

There are companies that make warehouse lifts. They like to tout their lifts as appropriate for data centers. Too bad, because if you try to use one of those lifts in your narrow-aisle data center loaded with heavy and expensive servers, requiring pinpoint positioning and safe, one-operator use, you will see immediately that they are … Đọc thêm

The Babysitters Club

Trung tâm dữ liệu thang máy

Wow. You won’t believe the call we just got. A regional colocation provider asked if we could expedite their recent data center lift order. They have one lift already, but at least five of their clients have been fighting like crazy over it!  Okay – we’re going to do our best to move the delivery … Đọc thêm

Safety Overdrive

IT equipment lifting solutions

Even after spending nearly 20 years helping eliminate all unsafe, manual handling of rack-mounted IT equipment in data centers across the world, we are sometimes reminded that while buying ServerLIFT® lifting solutions is the easiest and safest data center decision, integrating them into the operations can take a lot of planning. Before buying and implementing … Đọc thêm

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