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ServerLIFT® Expands into Asia Pacific Market

ServerLIFT®‘s New Distribution Channel in Asia PAC

ServerLIFT® would like to take this opportunity to proudly announce our partnership with Datumstruct, a new technology distributor in Asia Pacific. With current distributors established in Canada, Australia and Europe, ServerLIFT® has further expanded its global reach throughout the Asia Pacific market.

Recently being named to the 2012 Inc. 500|5000 list of fastest growing companies in America, we have experienced exponential growth on a global scale. ServerLIFT® is positioned as an industry leader in datacenter server management solutions, consistently exceeding our customers’ expectations for top of the line products and solutions since 2002. While many U.S. based companies have kept their focus on service based products or imports, ServerLIFT® remains among the roughly 1% of American companies who actively export products to other countries. Our partnership with key technology distributor Datumstruct leads the way for ServerLift®’s expansion into one of the fastest growing markets in the world.

Sobre Datumstruct

Fundada em 1997, Estrutura de dados é uma distribuidora e fornecedora líder de soluções para o Sudeste Asiático, com mais de 10 anos de experiência atendendo à indústria de tecnologia. Sediada em Cingapura, a Datumstruct estabeleceu escritórios em toda a Ásia-Pacífico, com escritórios na Malásia, Filipinas, Indonésia, Tailândia, China e Hong Kong. Oferecendo produtos que variam da infraestrutura de TI a aplicativos de conectividade de áudio e vídeo, a Datumstruct adota uma abordagem holística das soluções e produtos que eles fornecem.

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