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ServerLIFT® SL-500X® - Expert Advice

Repeat Customers Still Need Our Expert Advice

A customer reached out to us via our web chat asking for pricing on another SL-350X manual data center lift. They already have two, but will need more in the next year or so. They have our SL-1000X Super-Duty lift at another campus, therefore they believed they did not have the space for an electric

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lift for HPC servers

Heavy HPC Servers? No Problem At All.

We were contacted by a customer via our webchat needing a few lifts by February for very heavy 300kg High Performance Computing servers for the HPC data center they are building internationally.  Another requirement was that the lifts could go through standard-sized doorways, which of course ours do. We recommended our SL-1000X Super-Duty lift, which

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datacenter lift

Sigh. There’s That Red Tape Again

We’ve been working with a customer for some time about a rental they urgently needed onsite the week before the holidays. Of course we encouraged them to get their order in early, but not every company can push purchase orders through the red tape so easily. They finally sent it in. We pulled strings and

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ServerLIFT attachments

What Are Our Most Popular Attachments?

Our most popular attachments are the GT-1000X Glide Table and the LE-500X Lift Extension. Here’s why. The Glide Table has a series of rollers that let your servers glide back and forth over its surface for nearly frictionless equipment transfers on either side of an aisle. Especially great for the more narrow aisles. The Glide

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data center lift for narrow aisles

Special Circumstances? No Problem!

A reseller partner reached out to get a quote for one of our lifts. One of their customers needed a lift that would be small enough to fit in their elevator and in their tiny server room. They also needed it to lift servers into racks that are 45U high. This reseller knew exactly who

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Praat met een specialist om de juiste tiloplossing voor uw datacenter te vinden.

Download onze GRATIS whitepaper "Een datacenter-hefapparaat kopen"

Uw datacenter is bedrijfskritisch en downtime kan tienduizenden boze klanten en miljoenen verliezen betekenen. Onze gratis gids helpt u om de juiste tools te identificeren om downtime als datacenterbeheerder effectief te voorkomen.

A-Data-Center-Lifting-Device-Cover kopen

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Een datacenter-hefapparaat kopen

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De Data Center Migration Guide

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Het datacenter Veiligheidshandboek

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Best practices voor het verplaatsen van de IT-afdeling in het datacenter

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Best practices voor het omgaan met datacenterapparatuur

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witboek datacenter consolidatie actieplan