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Data Centers Continue to See Rack Densities Increase

Does it seem like your customers’ needs intensify more every year, forcing you to get newer and more powerful hardware to meet demand? It’s not all in your imagination. Though technology advancements always drive the need for data center upgrades, many data center operators are reporting that changes are coming even faster than before.  Increased

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Reasons for the Chip Shortage and the Effects on Data Center Switching

When your job and your company’s success rely on the availability of high-quality data center equipment chips, it’s understandable to feel nervous about the microchip shortage that is currently affecting the world. As with most major industry upheavals, the best way to adapt and stay flexible is to thoroughly understand the situation and make adjustments

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5 Data Center Trends in 2021

5 Data Center Trends in 2021

Emerging technologies are defining the needs of public and private data centers, including edge computing, AI, IoT, data analytics, and process-intensive High Performance Computing, or HPC, which is typical of supercomputers used to do large-scale computations. Although all data centers are unique, they will all be affected by some combination of these trends gaining ground

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Deploy Your Data Center Management Tools Company-Wide: Here’s Why

It’s best to purchase data center infrastructure management tools at once for the entire organization whenever possible. And companies that run data centers can save significant time and money when purchasing this way from ServerLIFT. End-user spending on global data center infrastructure is projected to climb to $200 billion this year. Choosing to deploy to

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The Cloud Wars: Global Data Center Footprint Trends

The Cloud Wars: Global Data Center Footprint Trends

Il cloud è, per sua stessa natura, un fenomeno globale. Ma la domanda sempre crescente di applicazioni basate su cloud, sia da parte delle aziende che dei consumatori, sta guidando le nuove tendenze dell'impronta dei data center. Molte operazioni incentrate sulla tecnologia sono state costruite a un ritmo vertiginoso. I loro piani di costruzione del data center si estendono fino ai prossimi cinque anni. La loro crescita no

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Semplificazione del data center: tendenze dell'infrastruttura IT

Challenges for IT operations teams are growing. One of the ways many data center leaders are attempting to deal with these IT infrastructure struggles is by streamlining the DC environment. Your team may be aiming for the elimination of redundant files or data, improvement of data integrity or security, or decreasing maintenance and operations costs.

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Perché i nostri clienti fanno affidamento su SERVERLIFT®

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Parla con uno specialista per trovare la giusta soluzione di sollevamento per il tuo data center.

Scarica il nostro white paper GRATUITO, "Acquistare un dispositivo di sollevamento per data center"

Il tuo data center è fondamentale e i tempi di inattività possono significare decine di migliaia di clienti arrabbiati e milioni di perdite. La nostra guida gratuita ti aiuta a identificare gli strumenti corretti per evitare efficacemente i tempi di fermo come gestore di un data center.

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Acquisto di un dispositivo di sollevamento del data center

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La guida alla migrazione del data center

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La guida alla sicurezza del Data Center

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Best practice per lo spostamento del reparto IT nel Data Center

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Best practice per la gestione delle apparecchiature dei data center

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white paper sul piano d'azione per il consolidamento dei data center