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april 2022 newsletter banner

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | April 2022

Have you purchased a lift for your data center that became a disappointment? ServerLIFT® can help. Find out how we helped another customer in a similar situation. Contact our customer support team to see how we can assist you. Now, let’s get down to business with some news.  1. Moving a server rack or cabinet?

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Questions You Should Ask Your Data Center Lift Provider

Questions You Should Ask Your Data Center Lift Provider

There are many ways to lift a server. But only one way to safely lift a server.  The good old-fashioned two-hands method is always available. But it is  always a safety risk and a drain on resources.  Some try warehouse lifts, but these machines are designed for rough and tumble warehouse tasks as opposed to

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5 Data Center Trends in 2021

5 Data Center Trends in 2021

Emerging technologies are defining the needs of public and private data centers, including edge computing, AI, IoT, data analytics, and process-intensive High Performance Computing, or HPC, which is typical of supercomputers used to do large-scale computations. Although all data centers are unique, they will all be affected by some combination of these trends gaining ground

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ServerLIFT® Newsletter | April 2021

Customers often ask our ServerLIFT® team members for their opinions on the right data center lift for a particular facility. Data center and colocation facility managers want to be sure they are making the right investment for their IT infrastructure, and we’re glad to weigh in on whether our SL-500X, SL-1000X, SL-500FX, or SL-350X lift

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fujitsu blog banner

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Fujitsu

Fujitsu Limited is based in Tokyo, Japan, and was founded in 1935. It is a global leader in IT equipment and services—ranked number 4 in the world based on total revenue, behind IBM, Accenture, and AWS (Amazon Web Services). Fujitsu focuses primarily on computing products and is a major server manufacturer.  Fujitsu reported $23.8 billion

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Featuring Server Manufacturer: IBM

Featuring Server Manufacturer: IBM

As one of the largest computer technology companies on the planet, IBM manufactures its fair share of servers and other data center hardware. The company was founded in the late 1800s—originally named the Computing, Tabulating & Recording Company (CTR), founded by Herman Hollerith. The name IBM, which stands for International Business Machines, was coined in

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FAQ: Cos'è un ascensore per data center?

FAQ: Cos'è un ascensore per data center?

D: Cos'è un ascensore per data center? A: Un ascensore per data center è una macchina utilizzata per sollevare e installare server e altre apparecchiature IT all'interno di data center. Si differenzia da qualsiasi altro ascensore per la movimentazione dei materiali perché è appositamente progettato per funzionare in qualsiasi ambiente di data center, incluso il movimento attraverso stretto (3 piedi o meno)

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ServerLIFT crea uno strumento compatibile con NVIDIA

ServerLIFT® Creates NVIDIA-Compatible Tool

ServerLIFT è orgoglioso di annunciare un nuovo allegato nella nostra famiglia di componenti aggiuntivi funzionali per i nostri ascensori per data center leader del settore: il WS-1X ™ Wide Shelf. Abbiamo progettato WS-1X per ampliare la superficie dello scaffale della piattaforma elevatrice a caricamento laterale al fine di supportare meglio i server con frame strutturali laterali come il sistema di deep learning NVIDIA® DGX-2 ™.

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Perché i nostri clienti fanno affidamento su SERVERLIFT®

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Parla con uno specialista per trovare la giusta soluzione di sollevamento per il tuo data center.

Scarica il nostro white paper GRATUITO, "Acquistare un dispositivo di sollevamento per data center"

Il tuo data center è fondamentale e i tempi di inattività possono significare decine di migliaia di clienti arrabbiati e milioni di perdite. La nostra guida gratuita ti aiuta a identificare gli strumenti corretti per evitare efficacemente i tempi di fermo come gestore di un data center.

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Acquisto di un dispositivo di sollevamento del data center

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La guida alla migrazione del data center

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La guida alla sicurezza del Data Center

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Best practice per lo spostamento del reparto IT nel Data Center

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Best practice per la gestione delle apparecchiature dei data center

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white paper sul piano d'azione per il consolidamento dei data center