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Минуле, сучасне та майбутнє для ServerLIFT та безпеки Центру обробки даних

Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

ServerLIFT®: The Present ServerLIFT®’s mission is to provide the safest and most effective tools and solutions for the physical handling of rack-mounted IT equipment. This year, that mission became even more important. “2020 was a very challenging year. We can’t think about 2020 without noting the impact of COVID-19. We were concerned about how the pandemic … Детальніше

Поширені запитання: Що таке лінійка даних?

Поширені запитання: Що таке підйомник центру даних?

Q: What is a data center lift? A: A data center lift is a machine that is used to lift and install servers and other IT equipment inside data centers. It differs from any other material-handling lift because it is purpose-built to function within any data center environment, including movement through narrow (3ft. or less) … Детальніше

SmartTILT ™ Платформа Дозволяє проводити мікрорівень встановлення серверного обладнання

SL-500FX Шафа на піддоні Встановити

Data center server and IT equipment handling solution manufacturer, ServerLIFT® Corporation, announces its newest innovation for advanced positioning of equipment in the data center. Increasing variations in floors, racks, and server positions dependent on weight have created new challenges for the ServerLIFT user community. The SmartTILT Platform provides user-controlled micro-adjustment of the ServerLIFT® equipment platform … Детальніше

Introducing the SL-1000X Super Duty ServerLIFT®

ServerLIFT® is pleased to introduce the much anticipated SL-1000X Super Duty ServerLIFT®, the latest addition to our server and IT hardware handling. With features specifically designed to enhance safety and efficiency, the SL-1000X™ ServerLIFT® represents the future of advanced data center lifting solutions. The SL-1000X™ ServerLIFT® is the only compact data center lift rated to … Детальніше

Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)

Infrastructure Management of the Data Center: The Datacenter Game Changer   Data Center Infrastructure Management is taking the industry by storm. It is predicted that by 2014, 60% of corporations will have implemented the use of DCIM; a huge leap from the mere 1% in 2010. With statistics like these, there is no question that … Детальніше

Data Center Security

Data Center Security: Let’s Get Physical…   Let’s be honest, how secure is your data center? You’re initial thoughts might go something like “it’s ironclad, the Fort Knox of all data centers, nothing could possibly be more secure.” And virtually, yes, you’re ready for anything. You probably have firewalls, VPN gateways, intrusion detection systems, monitoring … Детальніше

Server Handling Precautions and Procedure Suggestions

Handling Servers: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly   There is no one way to lift and move a server. Sure some ways may be more effective, safer, and more efficient, but that doesn’t mean that they’re used. In fact it is completely normal for a data center to expect one or two of … Детальніше

Цикли оновлення сервера

Server Refresh Cycles – 3 Tips   Evaluate The Cost of a Server Upgrade: Implementing a server refresh cycle can be a costly task, but it is important for a company to ask themselves if they can afford not to refresh the servers in the coming year? According to Intel, delaying a server refresh cycle … Детальніше

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Посібник з міграції центру даних

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Посібник з безпеки Центру обробки даних

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Кращі практики пересування ІТ-відділу в Центрі обробки даних

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