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Data Center Power Needs Will Continue to Increase

Data Center Power Needs Will Continue to Increase

Data centers have been facing a conundrum for the past several years. On one hand, they must supply services to a rapidly increasing number of consumers, while the technology those consumers use becomes exponentially more complex and demanding. But on the other hand, because data centers are responsible for using such a massive amount of … Детальніше

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | November 2021

serverlift newsletter banner showing military personnel and american flag

Staying ahead in data center operations means embracing the constant, unrelenting changes of the industry. It also means you need to be creative in clutch situations, which is why ServerLIFT® offers you exceptional support.  For instance, we recently had a request from a US military branch that is concerned with safety in their data center. … Детальніше

Чому сертифікація CE має значення в безпеці центру обробки даних

CE is a certification that specifically applies to products sold into the European Economic Area (EEA) and makes it possible to freely sell those products throughout EU countries. In some cases, this is a hard requirement. If there are any CE Mark Directives that apply to a given product, then that product is absolutely required, … Детальніше

Вартість підйому Центру обробки даних та прихована рентабельність інвестицій

data center lift cost and the hidden ROI

Anyone who has used a purpose-built server handling lift in data center operations immediately understands how it provides convenience and improvements in data center safety and efficiency. However, when purchasing a purpose-built data center lift, it is easy to miss the hidden and ongoing cost savings. To get approval for an assisted lifting device, your … Детальніше

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Посібник з міграції центру даних

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Посібник з безпеки Центру обробки даних

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Кращі практики пересування ІТ-відділу в Центрі обробки даних

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Кращі практики по роботі з обладнанням центру обробки даних

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Купівля пристрою підйому центру обробки даних