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Why SL-350X Data Center Lifts Aren’t The Worst Choice For Your DC

people working in data centers with hurt backs from heavy lifting

There are plenty of machines people adopt for handling IT equipment in data centers. But most of those products were designed to do totally different types of work than what’s required for expensive servers in high-tech data centers. People who have been injured lifting a heavy server or have damaged that server know how easy … Детальніше

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | March 2021


We’re marking a year since the first COVID-19 lockdowns began in the United States. Fortunately, the data center industry continues to expand, with “business as usual” combined with pandemic-driven considerations.  In our latest article, we look at the best way to approach a server refresh cycle. We also revisit social distancing standards and how they … Детальніше

Focus On Server Manufacturer: HPE

Hewlett Packard enterprises logo

The Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company (HPE) was founded in a one-car garage in July of 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard. The two became friends while attending Stanford University. Their origin story is referred to as “the original Silicon Valley startup” by the company in recognition of its roots—with many similar endeavors launching in … Детальніше

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Посібник з міграції центру даних

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Посібник з безпеки Центру обробки даних

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Кращі практики пересування ІТ-відділу в Центрі обробки даних

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Кращі практики по роботі з обладнанням центру обробки даних

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