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One Data Center’s Trash is Another’s Treasure

Certified Pre-Owned Server-handling Lifts

Despite the continued growth of the IT industry, like any other, it also has businesses that reach end-of-life. That’s why we were happy to help buy back two ServerLIFT® SL-500X® powered lifts from a data center that was being decommissioned. As soon as we get the machines back to our facility, we’ll fully inspect, test, … Läs mer

Client Sells Entire Team on ServerLIFT® Data Center Lift

SL-500X data center lift

A long-time member of our user community told us recently how he worked in a data center overseas years ago, where they used our SL-350X® hand-crank model lifts.  Fast forward to the present. He is now working for a company here in the United States, and they were lifting servers with a warehouse lift 😢. … Läs mer

Supply Chain Crisis Effects On ServerLIFT® Products

Supply Chain Crisis

The port delays and supply chain disruptions of the last couple of years had extended lead times for ServerLIFT® products (and many others) well beyond normal levels.  Finally, those issues are starting to ease up which means we have been shipping out many more orders in shorter periods of time.  While we’re not all the way … Läs mer

ServerLIFT® Helps Client Get Right Lift for Job

Data Center Lift Rentals

After delivering a couple of SL-500X® motorized lifts for a short-term rental, the project manager realized that some of the equipment they wanted to lift was heavier than the 500 lb load limit of the rental machines.  They called us as soon as they received their lifts to inform us of their oversight.  We quickly … Läs mer

Data Center Trends to Watch for the Rest of 2023

SL Blog Banner Data Center Trends

Data centers—and the clients who rely on them—exist on the cusp of technological advances. When new technologies emerge, data centers and tech enterprises often adopt them first. With this thought in mind, here is a summary of 2023 trends.  Artificial Intelligence (AI) As AI develops, it is revolutionizing the way that major industries operate on … Läs mer

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Data Center Migration Guide

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Datacenterets säkerhetshandbok

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Bästa metoder för att flytta IT-avdelningen i datacentret

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Bästa metoder för hantering av datacenterutrustning

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Handbok för konsolidering av datacenterets vitbok

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Köpa en datacenterlyftanordning