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ServerLIFT® Newsletter | April 2021


Customers often ask our ServerLIFT® team members for their opinions on the right data center lift for a particular facility. Data center and colocation facility managers want to be sure they are making the right investment for their IT infrastructure, and we’re glad to weigh in on whether our SL-500X, SL-1000X, SL-500FX, or SL-350X lift … Läs mer

Focus On Server Manufacturer: Inspur

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Inspur, founded in Shandong, China, is an international leader in information technology. They are ranked among the top three server vendors worldwide according to the IDC. They are also the #1 server manufacturer, enterprise software brand, and cloud computing vendor in China. This leading data center and cloud computing solutions provider emphasizes a focus on … Läs mer

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Data Center Migration Guide

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Datacenterets säkerhetshandbok

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Bästa metoder för att flytta IT-avdelningen i datacentret

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Bästa metoder för hantering av datacenterutrustning

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Handbok för konsolidering av datacenterets vitbok

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Köpa en datacenterlyftanordning