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Moving Servers: 3 Rules of a Data Center Lift

You’ve heard of the “rule of three’s.” In Latin, “omne trium perfectum,” roughly translated, means “everything that comes in threes is perfect.” We agree. At ServerLIFT®, we think constantly about moving servers in data centers. OK, so we’re a bit obsessive. But what are the fundamental rules required to move heavy data center hardware? What we … Citeste mai mult

Growth of IoT Threatens Data Center Efficiency, Including Moving Servers

This year we’ve noticed a trend in data centers; infrastructure management is struggling to keep up with the demand for connectivity. A lot of this can be blamed on the growth from Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and the data they capture. The growth of IoT threatens data center efficiency. As data center managers are … Citeste mai mult

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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

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Ghidul de securitate al Centrului de Date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru mutarea departamentului IT din Centrul de date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru manipularea echipamentelor pentru centrele de date

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Cartea albă a planului de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrelor de date

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Cumpărarea unui dispozitiv de ridicare a centrelor de date