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Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

Past, Present, & Future for ServerLIFT & Data Center Safety

ServerLIFT®: The Present ServerLIFT®’s mission is to provide the safest and most effective tools and solutions for the physical handling of rack-mounted IT equipment. This year, that mission became even more important. “2020 was a very challenging year. We can’t think about 2020 without noting the impact of COVID-19. We were concerned about how the pandemic … Citeste mai mult

IBM, Data Center Design & Inefficiency

Like so many things taken for granted, data centers have a side to them that few people know of. IBM’s insight into their data center management and infrastructure comes across as interesting, puzzling and perhaps even absurd. Data Center Design According to IBM around 80% of data centers were created before the dotcom era. With … Citeste mai mult

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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

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Ghidul de securitate al Centrului de Date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru mutarea departamentului IT din Centrul de date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru manipularea echipamentelor pentru centrele de date

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Cartea albă a planului de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrelor de date

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Cumpărarea unui dispozitiv de ridicare a centrelor de date