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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

Helping Our Troops

As a veteran-owned company, we always consider it a privilege to help out the troops who risk their lives for us every day. A military branch reached out to ServerLIFT® recently—they didn’t want to put anyone at risk in their data center!

We worked with their limited budget—they were worried that they wouldn’t be able to get the ServerLIFT-brand solution they knew they so desperately needed to keep their essential people (and equipment) safe. Because we offer multiple ways to buy (including financing, leasing, and renting), we were able to work out a program that allowed them to buy it and stay within budget.

What an amazing opportunity this was to help our brothers and sisters in uniform. We were grateful to be able to do something for them in return.

De ce clienții noștri se bazează pe SERVERLIFT®

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