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ServerLIFT® News | March 2024

Spring is on the way! Yet as we await the new season, this industry continues marching forward in the most unique and experimental ways. So, with data center news changing on a regular basis, we have the month’s most important stories to keep you up to date! 1. The Most Surprising Data Center Locations Across

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ServerLIFT® News | February 2024

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on February 2, offering the hope of an early spring. So far, that hope has not materialized.😉 Data centers are unfazed by one hope deferred, and with that in mind, we offer some possibly hopeful news you can use. 1. Improve Power Usage Effectiveness Want to make your

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ServerLIFT® News | January 2024

Welcome to the new year! We are rolling out new initiatives this year that will  make it as easy as possible for customers and potential customers to get customized solutions for their data center needs. As these new initiatives come on line, we will announce them here, so be on the lookout!  1. 7 Common

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ServerLIFT® News | December 2023

As we look back at 2023, we see a lot of change that affects data centers. Perhaps the real game changer has been the emergence of AI in mainstream use. To accommodate demand, rack densities are increasing, and new IT equipment is heavier, making it even more difficult to move without a safety-certified lift. We

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ServerLIFT® News | November 2023

You’ve probably seen gratitude and thankfulness lists popping up this month on social media, but here at ServerLIFT® we stay in a grateful mindset all year long. We count our blessings continually, and among those we cherish the most are our customers. Our customers are why we come to work each day: to build the

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ServerLIFT® News | October 2023

We are quickly approaching the holidays that remind us to count our blessings and be thankful for all the good things that make our lives more enjoyable—and for the not-so-good things that teach us lessons. We will share some of the things we’re thankful for in upcoming newsletters. We invite you to share what you’re

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ServerLIFT® News | September 2023

Autumn is almost here and much of the country is waking up to cooler mornings and shorter days. But just as heating systems need fall maintenance, data centers also need regular maintenance. It may be time to decommission some servers or to consolidate server racks. ServerLIFT® helps our customers every day with these maintenance tasks,

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ServerLIFT® News | August 2023

As students start heading back to school, we wonder how many are getting degrees that will lead to careers in data center management and operations. It’s a valid question in light of data center staffing shortages. We’ll also discuss a unique data center solution for the military, when it makes sense to rent data center

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ServerLIFT® News | July 2023

The dog days of a record-breaking summer are upon us! We hope you’re in a cool place when this newsletter reaches you. Our topics this month include how AI could impact data center cybersecurity, an interesting military data center, our customer service model, and data center safety. Enjoy! 1. Could AI Negatively Impact Data Center

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ServerLIFT® News | June 2023

It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy . . . unless you’re a data center manager. While many industries slow down enough in the summer for vacations and spending a little less time working, the data center industry does not. Well, since you’re working, here’s some news you can use.  1. Data Center Trends to

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De ce clienții noștri se bazează pe SERVERLIFT®

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Vorbiți cu un specialist pentru a găsi soluția potrivită de ridicare pentru centrul de date.

Descărcați cartea albă GRATUITĂ, „Cumpărarea unui dispozitiv de ridicare a datelor pentru centrele de date”

Centrul de date este esențial pentru misiuni, iar timpul de oprire poate însemna zeci de mii de clienți supărați și pierderi de milioane. Ghidul nostru gratuit vă ajută să identificați instrumentele corecte pentru evitarea eficientă a perioadei de oprire ca manager de centru de date.


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Cumpărarea unui dispozitiv de ridicare a centrelor de date

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Ghidul de migrare a Centrului de date

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Ghidul de securitate al Centrului de Date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru mutarea departamentului IT din Centrul de date

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Cele mai bune practici pentru manipularea echipamentelor pentru centrele de date

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Cartea albă a planului de acțiune pentru consolidarea centrelor de date