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Insights and Adventures:
Behind the Scenes at ServerLIFT®

ServerLIFT® Customer Experience team service

Happy Customers Even During Uncertain Times

A customer placed an order with us but soon realized he had placed the order incorrectly. Unfortunately, because of how his company’s system was set up, he had to restart the ordering process from scratch. We worked with him to place the correct order, but some supply chain delays pushed his order out further than expected. This customer called regularly to track the status of his order. He was completely understanding of our situation. He told us that we are always wonderful to work with and always very supportive. That’s great news to us, because during uncertain times and issues with supply chain delays, we do our very best to give our customers the helpful service they deserve.

Perché i nostri clienti fanno affidamento su SERVERLIFT®

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Parla con uno specialista per trovare la giusta soluzione di sollevamento per il tuo data center.

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La guida alla sicurezza del Data Center

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Best practice per lo spostamento del reparto IT nel Data Center

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white paper sul piano d'azione per il consolidamento dei data center

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Acquisto di un dispositivo di sollevamento del data center