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Veri Merkezi Taşıma Kılavuzu

ÜCRETSİZ Veri Kataloğumuzu indirin, “Veri Merkezi Taşıma Kılavuzu”

Data Center Design: Efficiency Series

In creating an efficient data center, pay special attention to the space and design as well as implementing the right technologies. The success of a data center design is realized through the long-term scalability, flexibility and availability of the facility.

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Veri Merkezi Depolama Verimliliği Serisi

Due to the highly complex infrastructure of data centers, there are many opportunities to conserve power, reduce cooling needs and save money. Data centers can apply a combination of the following storage efficiency practices: Data Reduction, Deduplication, Compression, Snapshots, and Tiered Storage.

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Data Center Efficiency Series: Cooling Solutions

Data center technologies are quickly becoming more and more compact and powerful, resulting in higher density systems which generate higher amounts of heat. Data center management are constantly finding new methods to address this increase in power consumption and heat output and adopt best practices to efficiently cool the data center. Some of the current solutions include:

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Data Center Efficiency Series: Power Management

Data centers are major power consumers and becoming one of the world’s leading polluters of greenhouse gases. In an effort to balance “green” awareness with ROI, we are presenting some key recommendations to improve overall data center efficiency and energy consumption.

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Data Center Efficiency Series: Refresh, Virtualization and Consolidation

  Data Center Management Operating an efficient data center is critical as more organizations move toward cloud computing and virtualized environments. With high energy costs and pressure toward eco-friendly practices, it is critical to continually implement innovative strategies in order to optimize power consumption and overall data center efficiency. Over the next few blog posts,

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Veri Merkezi Taşıma Kılavuzu

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