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How ServerLIFT® Helps Data Centers Meet Facility Requirements

Data center managers must meet a wide variety of facility requirements that are dependent on the type of facility that they run, its size and its location. This is in addition to those requirements that are mandated by compliance standards and safety regulations among others. Handling data center equipment for changes, migrations or expansions touches

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Using Server Equipment to Increase OpEX Savings in the Data Center

While virtualization and monitoring technology has become the most effective way to increase data center efficiency and decrease operational costs, DCMs have to use every tool at their disposal to further increase OpEx saving margins. The ability to utilize server equipment to lower data center operational expenses has proven to be another way to provided

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Improving Data Center Efficiency with Advanced Server Equipment

Data center efficiency is a never-ending pursuit for DCMs where they must balance efficiency, availability, and flexibility to effectively manage the many data centers parts as well as the whole. These parts include a compilation of servers, storage, network systems, mechanical/electrical systems, applications and tools, governance procedures and staff. While DCIM and other monitoring tools

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How DCM’s Can Improve Productivity by 200% or More

In order to vastly improve the productivity of data centers, DCMs are using application-based solutions as well as physical tools. On the application side, data center infrastructure management (DCIM) systems provide a unified, real-time picture of data center operations, enabling IT teams to match resources with demand. With hardware changes and servers a regular occurrence

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Minimize Data Center Costs & Increase Worker Safety

There are few crossover points where DCMs can lower data center costs while increasing worker safety. Consolidation through virtualization can certainly increase efficiency as well as lowering data center costs, but it also can indirectly set the stage for worker safety via reduction in physical servers. Moving new technology to a high density environment enables

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Trends in Adapting to Cloud

Challenges and Reasons for Switching to Cloud Is cloud computing the future of data centers? By taking a closer look at the past trends in the adaptation to cloud, it starts to become clear as to whether or not cloud computing is the way to go. The Trending Cloud Statistically, the biggest jump to cloud

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Veri Merkezi Kaldırma Cihazı Satın Alma

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Veri Merkezi Taşıma Kılavuzu

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Veri Merkezi Güvenlik Kılavuzu

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Veri Merkezinde BT Departmanı Taşımak için En İyi Uygulamalar

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Veri Merkezi Ekipman Kullanımı için En İyi Uygulamalar

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