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ServerLIFT® News | December 2023

As we look back at 2023, we see a lot of change that affects data centers. Perhaps the real game changer has been the emergence of AI in mainstream use. To accommodate demand, rack densities are increasing, and new IT equipment is heavier, making it even more difficult to move without a safety-certified lift. We … Daha fazla oku

5 Ways to Improve Data Center Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)

The push for greener and more efficient data centers is well underway. As a result, improving data center power usage effectiveness (PUE) is more important than ever.  There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but there are a few simple and successful methods that may help improve data center power usage effectiveness. Let’s dive into five PUE … Daha fazla oku

Why Do We Need To Give You A Quote?

data center lift quote

When we send a quote to a customer who has asked for one, we include the estimated cost of shipping, so there are no surprises down the line. In order to do that, we need your zip code and a couple other pieces of information. But that’s not the only reason. We have several lift … Daha fazla oku

Why Do We Tend To Focus On The One-Touch Motorized Lifts?

hand-cranked data center lift

Yes, we do sell a hand-operated lift. It’s just as rugged and well-designed as our other lifts, incorporating suggestions from data center managers and technicians. We continue to offer this option to help data center managers improve the safety of their data centers (our customers report a 100% accident-free record after buying and using our … Daha fazla oku

Where Can I See Your Lifts In Action?

ServerLIFT® servers video

The best way to understand what one of our lifts can do for you, in your data center, is to see it in action. We’ve created short but information-packed product-specific videos for that exact purpose. You can see our designed-for-data-centers lifts at work, including our most popular lift, the SL-500X®, our super-heavy-duty lift, SL-1000X® (perfect … Daha fazla oku

Where Can I Get The Specs On Your Lifts?

ServerLIFT® specifications

Each of our three data center lift models have spec sheets that include detailed drawings with lift, platform, and clearance dimensions, as well as the pivot diameter for the lift and how far the sliding shelf extends on either side of the platform. One of the main benefits of our data center lifts is the … Daha fazla oku

7 Common Security Threats for Data Centers

Data centers face challenges beyond maintaining equipment and software to maximize uptime, including data center security.  These security threats can take many forms, but a handful of attack vectors are favored by hackers and other bad actors. The following are seven of the most common threats that data centers face. The Data Center Security Threat … Daha fazla oku

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