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The “Whys” of ServerLIFT® Product Design

man safely installing data center equipment using ServerLIFT

At ServerLIFT®, we believe that server-handling devices should be able to cope with any tricky transport, positioning, or transfer issue an operator may face. Thanks to careful research and the deliberate decision to keep all three of these essential functions at the forefront of all design choices, ServerLIFT® data center lifts can be safely operated … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | November 2021

serverlift newsletter banner showing military personnel and american flag

Staying ahead in data center operations means embracing the constant, unrelenting changes of the industry. It also means you need to be creative in clutch situations, which is why ServerLIFT® offers you exceptional support.  For instance, we recently had a request from a US military branch that is concerned with safety in their data center. … Daha fazla oku

Military Veterans: The Untapped Pool of Data Center Staffing Talent

solider saluting in front of American flag

If you’re running a data center, you know how important it is to be adaptable. That means recognizing valuable opportunities when they come along. Whether it’s due to employee turnover, attrition, labor market conditions, or your competition, keeping your data center properly staffed is always a challenge. There is, however, a fantastic and mostly untapped … Daha fazla oku

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Veri Merkezi Güvenlik Kılavuzu

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Veri Merkezinde BT Departmanı Taşımak için En İyi Uygulamalar

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