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ServerLIFT® News | January 2024

Welcome to the new year! We are rolling out new initiatives this year that will  make it as easy as possible for customers and potential customers to get customized solutions for their data center needs. As these new initiatives come on line, we will announce them here, so be on the lookout!  1. 7 Common … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® News | December 2023

As we look back at 2023, we see a lot of change that affects data centers. Perhaps the real game changer has been the emergence of AI in mainstream use. To accommodate demand, rack densities are increasing, and new IT equipment is heavier, making it even more difficult to move without a safety-certified lift. We … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® News | August 2023

As students start heading back to school, we wonder how many are getting degrees that will lead to careers in data center management and operations. It’s a valid question in light of data center staffing shortages. We’ll also discuss a unique data center solution for the military, when it makes sense to rent data center … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® News | June 2023

It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy . . . unless you’re a data center manager. While many industries slow down enough in the summer for vacations and spending a little less time working, the data center industry does not. Well, since you’re working, here’s some news you can use.  1. Data Center Trends to … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® News | April 2023

Nature teaches us the necessity of seizing moments of change, regardless of when and how they appear. Trees that were bare mere weeks ago are now full of leaves. The sound of chirping birds, rarely heard in winter, now fills the air as they return to protective nests to have families.  Similarly, there are moments … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® News | October 2022

It’s crisp and cool outside, if not snowy where you are. As we seek shelter and warmth from the cold, we often don’t consider that IT equipment also needs protective and reliable shelter (and cooling) all the time. Data centers and colocation facilities give you that and more. Add single-vendor maintenance for all your data … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | September 2022

As leaves are beginning to change colors and pumpkin spice is being added to just about everything, data centers may seem impervious to the changing seasons, but they are not. Moves, refreshes, and maintenance may be more convenient in the autumn. Some of these moves may be urgent and pop up out of nowhere. We … Daha fazla oku

ServerLIFT® Newsletter | August 2022


The hottest days of summer are almost behind us, but data center demand is still blazing hot. This month’s newsletter looks at several aspects of the current data center landscape and how ServerLIFT® can help data centers meet the increasing demand. 1. ServerLIFT® Customers Are a Community (community video) We recently had a customer who … Daha fazla oku

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