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ServerLIFT® Newsletter | February 2020

I wanted to begin with a quick word of thanks. We are grateful to our community for your overwhelming response to last month’s newsletter and blog article. It means a great deal to everyone on our team. We plan to move forward in the same spirit; sticking to providing clear, honest, data-driven answers to your most frequent queries.

FAQ on Data Center Migration

Our newest blog post is all about valuable information. ServerLIFT® data center lifts are utilized for both very big and minor moves, and we want you to feel prepared for projects at any scale.

In the spirit of frequently asked questions, we also put together a couple of commonly asked client FAQs:

1) Do you need a hand-cranked or a motorized lift?

bizim SL-350X device is a solid and highly capable hand-cranked lift, but we recommend the SL-500X unit for most data center operations. Why? Because motorized, one-touch lifting is the safest and best choice for lifting servers in quantity (burst work) or with regularity. Hand-cranking fatigues operators quickly. Doing it once in a while for one or two servers is okay, but more than that becomes difficult. Our motorized machines have the same small footprint as our hand-cranked model, and make day-to-day tasks a breeze.

2) How does the ServerLIFT® Rental Program work?

This is another common question. You may not even know that we offer both a ServerLIFT® Rental and a Rent-to-Own Program. They are just two of the ways we endeavor to ease your budget and equipment challenges. Read more about our Rental Program here, and when you’re ready, our support staff can answer additional questions.

A ServerLIFT® device leaves any data center space better off. Do you have a question for us? Just hit reply, and we will respond. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Stay safe,

Ray Zuckerman, CEO

ServerLIFT® Corporation

[email protected]


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ServerLIFT® News | March 2024

Spring is on the way! Yet as we await the new season, this industry continues marching forward in the most unique and experimental ways.

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